Hoisting in JavaScript

Before going into Hoisting let us see in how many ways we can declare a function in JavaScript.

1. Function Declaration :

We will write a simple function which adds two numbers and logs the sum in console.

function sum(a, b){ console.log(a+ b) };

2. Function Expression :

const sum=function(a, b){ console.log(a+ b) };

3. Arrow Function :

const sum=(a, b)=>{console.log(a+ b)};

Hoisting is a mechanism in JavaScript in which the function declarations are moved to the top of their scope before code execution

let x = 15;
let y = 10;
let result = add(x, y);
console.log(result); // 25

function add(a, b) {
   return a + b

When we try to implement the same function using function expression we will get a Reference Error as Function expressions are not Hoisted. Check the below code:

let x = 15;
let y = 10;
let result = add(x, y);
console.log(result); // **Reference Error** { Cannot access 'add' before initialization }

const add=function(a, b) {
   return a + b

Similarly Arrow functions are also not hoisted in JavaScript, We will get a below error:

let x = 15;
let y = 10;
let result = add(x, y);
console.log(result); // **Reference Error** { Cannot access 'add' before initialization }

const add=(a, b)=> {
return a + b;

When you have reached till here, I hope you've gone through the blog and this is my first blog which I wanted write for a longtime. Before writing this I thought Someone might have already written on this topic but felt let me write it for myself as notes. I tried to put what I have understood on this particular concept , If you find any errors/missing out do let me know I would love to learn.